
MayStar Natural HealthCare Center provides acupuncture, Tui-Na (acupressure, Chinese massage therapy), herbal medicine, and other Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) services. The clinic is specializing in treating various pain and numbness (neck, shoulder, upper back, lower back, arm, wrist, hand, hip, thigh, leg, knee, and ankle.), and other disorders such as allergy, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, stress, overweight, migraine headache and women's problems, etc..

We take your overall well-being seriously, no matter what your specific problems are. That means that we take a lot of things into account when we’re diagnosing and treating your health problems. We believe that essential energy flow in the body can be disrupted for many reasons, resulting in a host of physical and emotional problems, and we use natural methods such as acupressure and acupuncture to release blocked energy in certain parts of the body and help everything to work in harmony again. Sometimes treatments are used on their own, but in many cases treatments like acupressure and acupuncture are used together or in conjunction with other healing treatments such as Electro-Acupuncture and magnet therapy. In addition, we may prescribe herbal remedies to achieve the desired results.

Insurance and Billing

Billing services are a courtesy provided for all major medical plans. MayStar Natural HealthCare Center Inc.(MSNHC) does not bill secondary insurance companies or third-party carriers.

We accept most PPO insurances, including Atena, CIGNA, UnitedHealthCare, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, etc. as an Out-of-Network provider. Eligibility and co-payment for acupuncture vary by plan. Many insurance companies provide coverage for acupuncture, but it is best to check with your insurance company to see exactly what your coverage is. You can always call MayStar Natural HealthCare Center and we can check your coverage for you and if you have coverage we will bill your insurance company directly for your services.

Please note: We do not accept American Specialty Health (ASH) plans, Medicare, Medical, HMO, or Kaiser Insurance.

Billing your insurance company is a courtesy provided by MSNHC. We understand that special circumstances may occur. We may not be an in-network provider for your insurance company, but that does not mean that your insurance company will not pay for treatment at MSNHC. The coverage will be different for an out-of-network provider. Please call your insurance company or our office to find out your specific coverage.

Please take the time to understand your insurance benefits.


New patient visits typically last 75-120 minutes and include an in-depth medical history as well as an acupuncture treatment. Return visits are typically 45-90 minutes and include a brief update on progress and acupuncture treatment.

**Listed Fees for Acupuncture Services are for non-insurance payments only. Insurance rates may differ.

*Additional charges may apply for additional treatment modalities base on medical necessity and the complexity of the condition(s) to be treated.

Fees for Acupuncture Services **

New patient Acupuncture Services visit (75-120 minutes) $225-475*
Return Acupuncture visits (45-90 minutes) $125-$425 *
Return Electroacupuncture visits (45-90 minutes) $135-$435 *
Cupping / TuiNa (25 minutes) $60 *
Auricular Medicine Treatment (30 minutes) $85*
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation (45 minutes) $180
Facial Rejuvenation with
Acupuncture Balance & Wellness Care
(60 minutes) $250

*Additional charges may apply for additional treatment modalities base on medical necessity and the complexity of the condition(s) to be treated.

*Cupping / TuiNa services can only be combined with Acupuncture. Cupping /TuiNa is not offered as a stand-alone service.